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Posted by Eyal Manerva on
The need for hair care. Hair care can be said to simply mean the exercising of hygienic procedure on one’s hair in a bid to attain and preserve the hair in the best possible form. In taking care of one’s hair, everybody employs a different regimen and therefore means that hair care will always differ according to one’s hair type and to various processes that can be applied to their hair.
If the scalp is not cleaned regularly then the dead skin cells usually multiplies and then the toxins released through the skin may create a breeding ground for infection. However, not all scalp infections are a result of bacterial infections as some arise inexplicably, and often only the symptoms can be treated for management of the condition. A good example of such is dandruff.
There are also bacteria that can affect the hair itself. The most common hair and scalp ailment worldwide is probably lice. Head lice can be removed with great attention to detail, and studies show it is not necessarily associated with poor hygiene as they have found out that head lice actually thrive in clean hair. In this way, hair washing as a term may be a bit misleading, as what is necessary in healthy hair production and maintenance is often simply cleaning the surface of the scalp skin, the way the skin all over the body requires cleaning for good hygiene.
What is hair care?
With the aforementioned foregoing, the most obvious question that pops up is, “what then is hair care?” It should be noted that hair care basically refers to the simple things that we do daily/weekly in a bid to maintain our hair in a fresh appealing way. This includes activities like washing, shampooing, treating and conditioning the hair among others.
Treatments are more often than not confused with conditioners. The major difference however is that conditioners provide temporary protection and strength to the hair since the product does not penetrate the hair. This is different to treatments because they penetrate the hair, restoring and maintaining internal strength beyond the scalp.
Conditioners are typically used every time one shampoos the hair while treatments can be applied either by oneself or by a professional hairdresser.
There also exist re constructors which usually help make hair stronger and are generally protein based. This usually helps those who have chemically damaged hair or hair that easily breaks. They are often a combination of protein and moisture. This type of treatment usually leaves the hair brittle therefore you may still need a conditioner to make your hair feel smooth.
Moisturizers are however the most common type of treatment simply because they balance the moisture content of the cortex. Thermal protectors like conditioner are used to prevent heat damage before it starts. It is highly advisable therefore that if you use heated appliances on your hair regularly your styling product should contain this type of protection.
Our scalps, just like the skin on our bodies should always be kept clean to ensure high standards of hygiene. When this is done, a healthy hair production can always be observed.
Eyal Manerva
Dead Sea Minerals Cosmetics
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